Posted: Monday, December 26, 2011 by absolutena in Labels:

Kalau pada Manajemen Sistem Informasi yang saya dapatkan di kampus ada materi Theory of Planned Behavior yang merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari Theory of Reason Action dimana ada penambahan konstruk kontrol perilaku persepsian (dalam hal IT) mungkin begitu juga dalam kisah relationship saya (saya bingung harus menyebutkan apa). Masih soal Theory of Planned Behavior , saya menyimpulkan teori Ajzein ini bahwa kontrol perilaku persepsian (perceived behavior control) dan minat perilaku (behavioral intention) mempengaruhi perilaku.

Demikian pula dengan perilaku saya, keiinginan berjumpa—rindu (Shauq)—kalau saya berjumpa, maka rindu saya akan terbalaskan mungkin.. atau keadaan saya menjadi lebih baik daripada malam ini. -perceived behavior control and behavioral intention-. so dramatic.. haha sometimes.

ini cuma masalah jarak raga kan?

…dan saya menjadi belajar menghargai arti 2 jam, yang sebentar.

…lebih sering berdoa untukmu.

…walau kenyataannya menyukai nyata hadirmu, tapi saya rasa jarak ini perlu…

Kalau Theory of Planned Behavior direncanakan, rindu saya tidak pernah berencana-apalagi wacana soal rindu. Hopefully.. semoga rindu ini dapat dikontrol. Kalau niat merindu ini semakin tinggi bisa jadi saya akan semakin mongoptimalkan adanya pertemuan.

sabar :)

pada satu kota—masih berjarak—rinduku makin berdetak


Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 by absolutena in Labels: ,


This morning is very compact, six santri seemed sleepy. Reading al-Adzkar with ‘teklak-tekluk’. it seems, this morning I was one of the santri whose eyes shone and tégés. I just could resist laughing, when finding santri who want to ‘nggambul’ ketab of their own. When caught, they could pretend not being sleepy and remain sleepy again. Not about them but about that I got this morning.

Well, that I got this morning is… as creatures of Allah, we should not revile what Allah created. (in this ketab; wind, disease, and a chicken)

You better say “I hope this wind, bringing grace” rather than chide the winds that blow.
Why you should not berate or reproach your illness? because Allah gave the disease to make fall your sins.
Why chickens are also not allowed scorned? although it was dispose dirt on the place undue?? Allah who moves the chicken.

The conclusion is, whatever happens, essentially is Allah who wanting it to happen. Allah knows best-Wallahu a’lam bishshowab


Posted: Friday, November 25, 2011 by absolutena in Labels:

Kamar ini redup
Guratan dinding ungu bergemuruh mentertawakanku
Aku menutup mata
Menerobos kota hingga jantungnya


Masih menutup mata

Aku tertawa....

Entah apa yang harus aku tertawakan

Nasibku yang Malang

Atau kegelisahanku yang berlebihan

Ternyata aku masih manusia Malang....

dan aku masih punya....

Aku membuka ...


Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 by absolutena in

Electronic commerce consists of the buying and selling of products and services via the Internet. It includes business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and consumer-to-consumer transactions. These transactions can include online retail sales, supplier purchases, online bill paying, and Web-based auctions. Electronic commerce utilizes a variety of technologies including electronic data interchange, electronic fund transfers, credit cards, and e-mail.

The term e-commerce is often used interchangeably with e-business. The common element is the effective implementation of business activities using Internet technologies. However, e-business is the broader, more encompassing strategy and related activities. In addition to retail sales it includes vendor-partner communication, electronic procurement, customer relationship management, data-mining, and numerous other business functions.

Kill The Radio

Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 by absolutena in Labels: ,

i fell in love with Dorothea's words in this book "Kill The Radio". and learn a bit something about translating poetry by reading Aveling's translation to english. read the words of the image, drawing from the words .. ouch Agung Kurniawan's sketch!


Posted: Monday, October 17, 2011 by absolutena in

titik.koma.dan tanda seru.
tanda seru

kapan tanda tanya itu?

tuntaskan bahasamu!

aku ingin menemuimu di barat, sekarang!!
dikursi kayu panjang

beginikah makna mengatasi jarak,hey?

Posted: Sunday, October 16, 2011 by absolutena in

jauhku bergumul dengan awan pekat

menunggu 2/3 malam
aku takut kehilangan waktu
..aku berujar


Posted: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 by absolutena in

Unlike prayers, charity, and pilgrimage, fasting is an invisible act.

Only Allah and the person who is fasting know whether he or she is fasting or not. One may quietly eat or drink something and no one will notice and no one can find out.

However, the fasting person has made this commitment for the sake of Allah and he or she wants to guard the purity of his or her fast for the sake of Allah. Fasting thus teaches sincerity, and it helps a person learn to live by the principles of his or her faith regardless whether others know or do not know.

This is the very purpose and essence of taqwa.

happy fasting ^^

b(s)ad mood--midnight

Posted: Monday, July 25, 2011 by absolutena in

Wisdom is not a product of thought.
The deep knowing that is wisdom arises through the simple act of giving someone or something your full attention.attention is primordial intelligence consciousness itself.
It dissolves the barriers created by conceptual thought,and with this comes the recognition that nothing exists in and by itself.

OK,I am in a b(s)ad mood right now.but I know that I dont hav any real problem.

BNS (Batu Night Spectacular)

Posted: Thursday, June 9, 2011 by absolutena in

Although the 3 years I was in Malang, but Tuesday I had to go to BNS.
feel relieved! YEAH!
BNS (Batu Night Spectacular), one of the attractions / tourist icon in Batu, Malang, East Java.
The concept of BNS is to become tourist attractions in the evening.
Apparently, the government Batu offers mission received by tourism entrepreneurs. BNS is the direct cooperation of government Oro-oro Ombo Village, District of Batu, Kota Batu with the consortia of private companies.

Recreational facilities are served BNS include carnival area, ice skating, 3-dimensional cinema, go-kart racing circuit, roadrace, drag race, haunted house, flying bicycles, garden lantern (the most in love with this one), night market, greenhouse, home stress, and many others. Usually there will be dancing fountains at the food court arena at 11 pm.

at garden lantern

BNS is open from 4.00 pm to 12.00 pm. Weekends and holidays open from 12.00 am to 12.00 pm
Ticket price: Rp 12,500

and only at this resort, I could hear Adzan so clearly. Subhanallah ....


Posted: Tuesday, May 3, 2011 by absolutena in

hello I am Milli,
I love eating vegetables,
I love cooking,
and I like dreaming
but, I think my body is too short :(

corel x5-bezier tools
check others

One Day in April

Posted: Saturday, April 23, 2011 by absolutena in

Suddenly I was drowning
Among thousands of people
I ran in every direction..
I could only pray
For you,

latte, monde, dan kipas angin

Posted: by absolutena in

dunia gelap,
tanpa caffein,
melumat biskuit,
menunggu dering,
kemudian mendengar,
berkisah tentang seharian,
sambil mengingat,

Diam dulu,
Sambil menatap atap,
Mungkin ini lebih melegakan,
I am stoic.

Here I am,
Still.. all can hear is tick.tock.tick.tock.

dunia gelap,
Tanpa caffein,
Melumat biskuit,
suara angin-dingin



Posted: Friday, April 1, 2011 by absolutena in

A story tells that two friends

were walking through the desert

During some point of the Journey they had an Argument, and one friend

Slapped the other one. In the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without

saying anything,

wrote in the sand:


Posted: Friday, March 18, 2011 by absolutena in Labels: ,

Dia(perempuan) menyimak serangkaian duka,dibalik gelak tawa,dan cerita konyol seorang pria di depan pintu masuk Plasa Telkom.
Menunggu hujan,yang dia ramalkan akan reda pada pkl 19.00. Padahal kala itu ba’da Maghrib,kira2 pukul 18.03. Ya.. satu jam lagi, mungkin....
Tubuh keduanya menggigil setengah basah,melawan deras. Dan merasa aman ketika keduanya bersebelahan,membuka obrolan kala itu. Sedikit demi sedikit. Entah sadar ato tidak,dia ingat benar-dia memperhatikan apa yg telah diucapkan pria itu,meski mata si perempuan terus memandangi jembatan penyeberangan dan skali2 membahas kapan hujan reda,padahal ia telah meramalkan sebelumnya.
Si perempuan bergelegar aneh,dan pria makin mabuk hingga memuntahkan smua yg ia pendam (mungkin),kemudian seperti mengucapkan mantra2,“aku ingin menjadi lebih baik!aku akan membuktikan ke semua kalau aku bisa!” meski aku punya masa lalu yg buruk.
Meskipun pria tersebut merupakan pihak eksternal,

I am welcoming March now

Posted: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 by absolutena in Labels:

saya telah memasuki bulan Maret... :) SEMANGAT!

di kantin tadi

Posted: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 by absolutena in Labels:

Hampir 2 jam saya.. sendiri di kantin bawah... menghabiskan segelas susu milo. Di depan leptop, mengoperasikan corel draw dan Ms. Word
Lengkap sudah pusing di kepala saya, rasanya pikiran kemana-mana.
Saya memilih duduk tepat di sisi barat, dimana pandangan saya bisa menyusup jauh kemanapun. Mulai dari orang datang keluar masuk sekedar membeli kue basah, atau masuk kantin memesan makan dan kopi kemudian memilih tempat duduk dan mengobrol, ibu-ibu yang melayani pembeli dengan penuh senyum, dan mbak-mbak yang wira-wiri mengantar minuman.
Banyak sekali hal yang saya amati sedari tadi.
2 perempuan cantik yang sebenarnya ingin saya sebut 2 gadis cantik (tapi saya ragu menyebutkan itu) menghisap rokok tanpa henti. Padahal tepat di tembok belakang saya emm kira-kira di atas kepala.. ya pas di atas kepala saya ada tulisan begini “TERIMAKASIH UNTUK TIDAK MEROKOK di TEMPAT INI”.

close up of Sya'irah

Posted: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 by absolutena in

close up of Sya'irah

I am Sya'irah
I wore glasses
I enjoy writing poetry

coreldraw X5 - bezier tool
Photoshop Cs5 - brush tool
, effect


Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 by absolutena in

Assalamualaikum, I am Sarah

mampir boleh kok

Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 by absolutena in

ini karya-karya saya:

BE-net ada, meski baru 2 karya. disini
TUMBLR saya juga baru loh.. disini

mampir boleh kok


Posted: Friday, February 4, 2011 by absolutena in Labels:

.teh hangat gula batu
.Jajan pasar
.sop ayam
.bali ikan

.ayam goreng mbok sum
.bakmi dog2 jalan baron
.jelajah pantai
.konser on the road dalam mobil with syifa zacki (ponakan)
.malioboro tanpa bosan

.sholat berjamaah
.cium dan pelukan hangat sehabis sholat


Posted: Thursday, February 3, 2011 by absolutena in

saya baru saja menikmati semangkuk Sapo Tahu, terimakasih cik nico meyshita....

Sapo Tahu, suatu masakan Sup kental yang berisi tahu kering, udang, cumi, teripang, ayam, dan ditambah paprika hijau/merah, wortel, kacang polong, sawi asin, juga jamur, di olah dengan bumbu khas China, yang kalau di restoran Chineese sea food disajikan di mangkuk tertutup dalam keadaan panas....