Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 by absolutena in Labels: ,


This morning is very compact, six santri seemed sleepy. Reading al-Adzkar with ‘teklak-tekluk’. it seems, this morning I was one of the santri whose eyes shone and tégés. I just could resist laughing, when finding santri who want to ‘nggambul’ ketab of their own. When caught, they could pretend not being sleepy and remain sleepy again. Not about them but about that I got this morning.

Well, that I got this morning is… as creatures of Allah, we should not revile what Allah created. (in this ketab; wind, disease, and a chicken)

You better say “I hope this wind, bringing grace” rather than chide the winds that blow.
Why you should not berate or reproach your illness? because Allah gave the disease to make fall your sins.
Why chickens are also not allowed scorned? although it was dispose dirt on the place undue?? Allah who moves the chicken.

The conclusion is, whatever happens, essentially is Allah who wanting it to happen. Allah knows best-Wallahu a’lam bishshowab